Friday, 7 August 2009

Why why why???

...Is it that my mobile phone when low on battery proceeds to vibrate
and bleep every few minutes? Surely this is madness? Vibrating and
bleeping use up power - the very thing I'm short on! And what's more
the feature apparently cannot be disabled.

It seems to me that a better system would be to alert the user until
they acknowledge their lowness of battery. Less naggage too.

incidentally this is my first go at publishing a blog directly from
the google mail java app on my phone. It'll be interesting to see how
blogger interprets the formatting. This way isn't ideal, but it should
allow me to publish a bit more when I'm busy - recently been working
regular 6 day weeks, doesn't leave much space for thinking, thus not
much space,for blogging.

freedoms_stain, not dead, out.

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