stand back from the machine two paces AND bend over in order to see
what the screen on the card machine is asking me to do. Why? Because
the thing was either designed by idiots of for the exclusive use of
I'm not that tall, roughly 6', that's not far off average for my
generation so I am quite confused as to why machines implemented
within the last 5 or so years were designed facing straight out and in
a recess which completely obscures view of the screen for a
significant proportion of the populace.
Reasonable solutions:
1) have the whole pad angled upwards and outwards at a height where
everyone can see and reach it.
2) Do away with the screen on the card reader and have instructions on
the main screen.
3) Do away with the separate card reader unit entirely and use the
touch screen for instructions and pin entry.
I think it's pretty indicative of the ineptitude of First Scotrail as
a whole. First Scotrail, a company who had their public rail contract
in Scotland extended without any debate at Holyrood or the gathering
of external bids (source coming on that one, that's from memory, not
entirely sure of its accuracy). A company who allows their electronic
arrival boards to claim a train has "Arrived" at it's due time up to 5
minutes before it actually arrives late. No doubt a policy that pads
out their trains on-time percentage.
This wasn't meant to be a train bitch-fest so I'll move on.
Cash machines are another device that seem custom made for those of
shorter stature, even those placed higher up on the wall result in
weird bent over stances with heads curled at unnatural angles. Funny
thing is when given the choice of higher or lower machines, the short
arses tend to go for the higher.
freedoms_stain, tall, out.
Sent from my mobile device
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