Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Big Brother Is Shit - End It

Big Brother is now in its tenth year here in the UK. Ten years and only the first couple of series - which at least made pretences at scientific relevance - were actually any good. Back at the beginning Big Brother tended to feature pretty normal/average people who were interested in the concept and came along to see what would happen. The show has since descended to the status of Pig Circus and your typical BB contestant is more interested in stirring the shit so they have something to sell a story about when they're inevitably booted out for being shallow brain-dead morons.

And there lies another feature of your modern BB contestant - they're all thick as shit - pig shit. It's pretty evident that most of them are only there in the vain hope that their appearance on the show will kick start some sort of media career they lack the talent to begin in any other way - such hopes and intentions further reveal their ardent stupidity since the number of BB contestants who have managed to maintain any sort of lasting media career can be counted on one hand - and that hand might not necessarily require all 5 digits to count them.

This years BB, according to the news has attracted rather dismal ratings - it really says something when you're getting your ass handed to you by repeats, particularly ITV repeats since everything on ITV is, by definition, pure shite in this mans subjective opinion. I would almost bet that the reason for the shitty ratings is the shitty contestants. I might watch it tonight to see what they're like. I'm guessing flock of clappy screaming and possibly drooling under-achievers, the females of whom will wear as little as possible as often as possible and the males of whom will either be muscle-bound dimwits or effeminate dimwits. They may even throw in a more mature person - someone who probably took the place in a plea bargain to avoid over-crowded prisons, it's about the only reason any sane intelligent person would enter BB.

Surely ten years down the line and dwindling ratings will make Channel4 see sense - cancel this shit. I wonder actually if it's headed that way anyway, in the early years BB was everywhere, the mornings, the evenings, dinner time, all sorts of extra shows and shit - hours upon hours of "live" (with no sound 90% of the time) footage on E4 - basically the "4" schedule was totally awash with BB related bollocks - but these days not so much. Perhaps 4 have found their marbles and they're winding the franchise down to where it belongs - the gutter, and good riddance.

freedoms_stain, hoping for better summer telly, out.

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