Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Musings on the European Results

So the European elections were held last week and the results are in. It's a mixture of good news and bad news in my mind. On the one hand there have been gains by parties who support online privacy and who take a favourable stance against harsh copyright laws such as the European Greens (who appear to be up roughly 8 MEPs at this point) and Sweden's Pirate Party who'll be getting at least 1 MEP, maybe 2; then on the other hand we have gains made by UKIP, the UK Independance Party who are rather anti-EU, the BNP, a bunch of fascist ignorant cunts to fascistly ignorant to realise how fascistly ignorant they are, even if fascistly isn't a word and a general rightward swing in the make-up of the EU parliament.

I'm always slightly worried when right-leaning individuals are in power, these are the sort of people who buy their votes with promises of freedom and decrying large governments and government involvement - then as soon as they are in any position to wield power they start yanking away freedoms, beefing up the government and sticking their noses into anything and everything. Lying Bastards in other words. These are also the type of people who'd be more willing to side with big business and the entertainment industries over things like copyright issues - little things like that that are aimed at benefiting the few over the many. Hopefully those parties with sensible copyright views will be able to make their presence felt.

Perhaps I'm confusing the European right wing with the US right wing too much, even right leaning Europeans are mild compared to the right leaning Americans - so perhaps my fears are unfounded.

One of the major shit stains surrounding this particular Election here in the UK has been Labours sizable fall from the premier party to 3rd place - doesn't really bode well for them in the coming general election - which I hope will be soon and swift. I think Labour deserve to lose power this time around, they just haven't been doing well enough and Gordon Brown is a weak as piss leader - I'd have Blair back any day, shit, I'd probably prefer John Major over this clown. People seem to think Brown was a good Chancellor, why? he has been a major influence on creating this craptacular economy we're supposed to be suffering for the next 8-10 years. So long Labour, maybe we'll have you back when Brown is a faded patch on the shitty mosaic that is British politics.

Pretty disgusted that people voted BNP at all, particularly in the levels that they did. Even if one of their primary policies wasn't a piece of disgusting wankery on its own (that'd be the one where they pay everyone not white or born in Britain or to white British parents to leave) it's plain fucking insanity when your economy is in the shitter and public services are being stripped to the bone to cope. Oh, I'm sure there'll be plenty of jobs when the "immigrants" leave - so many in fact that the economy will probably plummet further because there aren't enough adults of working age or condition to actually run the country!

Oh, and their "paying everyone not white and British to leave" policy isn't racist, just so you know. I can't see how its not racist even after reading their piss poor explanation for how it's not racist but they assure us it's not.

freedoms_stain, voted Green, out.

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